Looking for a Repo that Has Every Addon and Every Repo? Here's Something You Should Know

If you're looking for a Kodi repo that has every addon and every repo or all Kodi addons in one repo, I'd like to share you with some insights (or humble standpoints) on that. I hope to, and I suppose these should, change your mind on something.

Reading Time: 4 Minutes

If you don't know what is a Kodi repository...

Kodi repositories, Kodi repos in abbreviation, are the containers for Kodi addons which are essential apps for Kodi's extended functionality, such as scraping available movies and TV shows streams from the internet. Nowadays, a large amount of ingenious third-party addons/repositories have become the mainstay of Kodi media center.

At times, however, you might find yourself installing repositories again and again troublesome, because you want to explore more Kodi addons and that Kodi repositories go down all the time. That makes you wonder, to avoid trivialization, is there conveniently any repo that has every addon and every repo or all-in-one repo?

There's no such thing as 'an addon that has every addon and every repo'

First, I have to pop the bubble of some Kodi beginners that there can't be an addon that contains every addon and every repo. That just doesn't work in Kodi's mechanism. Though repositories are able to contain one another, that doesn't apply to Kodi addons.

Then, any 'repo that has every addon and every repo' or 'all-in-one repo'?

So, is there on earth any repo that has every addon and every repo or is it possible to access all Kodi addons in one repo? Unfortunately, to the best of my knowledge, the answer is no. And even if you manage to find an alike repository, I don't think you should install it - We'll get to that in a bit. A question first: Why are you looking for an all-in-one-like repository?

The real question is, do you really need such a repository?

To the questions I addressed above, let me venture some: As mentioned, it's troublesome to install over and over again; You intend to use many of the popular third-party addons and wondering if you can install them at one go; Or you're just being a lazy Kodi novice looking for a one-stop solution for your Kodi exploration. Whether or not I'm spot-on, I'd say the conveniences come at a severe cost.

By simply Googling 'Best Kodi addons', you'll know that the installation of a handful of which is way sufficient for your needs for most content. Whatever uncovered, either it is just not there, or maybe it is something that you shouldn't be looking for in the first place.

On the flipside, you might as well stop patronizing addon-rich repositories, as any addons can pose threat to another, even deleting. And the more addons a repository includes, the higher risk there is that an addon within is from an untrusted source, and jeopardizing your other addons and even your home network system security.

May that help you understand why many best Kodi addons these days are stored in an exclusive or self-contained repository, like The Crew addon, Fen addon, and Seren addon, instead of these addons' devs forming a sort of consortium and put their masterpiece in one repository - which is certainly boon to promotion.

What harm it does

Seems indigestible? The aforementioned 'untrusted source' is a serious word in Kodi, addons from bad source can wreck serious damages. If you have no clue on this, you're definitely out of touch.

• The number of reports where users are suddenly missing add-ons or suffering security breaches is growing all the time. The numerous similar threads on official Kodi.tv forum is only a tip of the iceberg.

• Addons are not sandboxes, they can potentially run code to access anything on your system and network.

• Intrinsically your Kodi media player has clear access as you do to your local storage, and the connection between Kodi and your home network system is unencrypted, making your network system vulnerable to Man-In-The-Middle attack.

• When launched, Kodi will scan for addon update. When a higher addon version is detected from any installed repository, Kodi will statically (meaning you won't know it until its done with an update notification message) update the addon to the 'latest' version, regardless of the repository that this addon is originally installed from. And there could be some malicious code invited in alongside with the ‘new version’.

- That means keep uninstalling unused addons is good habit.

• Repositories gone belly-up can be a gateway for malcode infiltration as well, after its expired source URL, that you added to File Manager a long time ago, got taken over by the wrong hands.

If some malware author wanted, he could easily install a watcher that reports back the user's IP address and everything they were doing in Kodi.

Kodi project manager Nathan Betzen said to Torrent Freak

The conclusion goes without saying. The bottom line is, always look out for yourself. You couldn't care less since you are already using third-party addons? To be blunt, 'In for a penny, in for a pound' in Kodi's world brings about repercussion, and no one but you will be taking the responsibility for this, especially not Team Kodi that may come with a deliberately ambiguous response.

The verdict

There is no repository like that nor should you install if any. Even installing a repository containing too many addons and repositories is usually, if not always, a bad idea. You're benefiting yourself nothing but the chances that your Kodi device gets infected with some stashed malicious code.

Yeah, I get it, you didn't really get what you came here for. Well, how can I let you leave this page empty handed. Check out our list tagged in underneath, I'm sure you'll find yourself some reliable repositories that help you to enjoy Kodi safe and sound.

Best Kodi Repositories List in 2021

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