Telegram has set a remarkable benchmark by increasing its video file size limit to 2 GB per file, which significantly benefits users, allowing for the sharing of high-definition videos without the hassle of compression, in most cases. However, the evolution of video quality mean that even this generous limit might sometimes fall short, especially with the prevalence of 4K and 8K video content.
If you're looking to send a video larger than 2 GB on Telegram, there's no need to panic. We'll walk you through several tried-and-true strategies to bypass the "File too Large" error and ensure your video reaches its intended audience seamlessly on Telegram.
If you're a heavy user of Telegram and find yourself frequently sharing large video files, subscribing to Telegram Premium may be the most convenient solution. By upgrading to the Premium tier, you'll be able to double the file size limit to an impressive 4 GB per file upload. This substantial increase in capacity will allow you to send even the most demanding video files.
In addition to the increased file size limit, Telegram Premium offers a wide range of other benefits, including faster downloads, larger file uploads, and access to exclusive stickers and reactions. If you're a power user who values the convenience of a seamless messaging experience, investing in Telegram Premium could be a worthwhile investment.
For those looking for a quick solution without the need for a subscription, there's a powerful alternative that can help you overcome the 2 GB file size limit: video processing software. One such tool that stands out is WonderFox HD Video Converter Factory Pro.
This user-friendly application offers two key features: splitting a large video into manageable parts or compress it down to 2 GB or less. This method not only preserves the quality of your video to a great extent but also allows for the seamless Telegram upload.
Step 1. Install and runInstall and run the app. Go to "Converter".
Step 2. Click on "Add Files" to import your video that exceeds the Telegram video size limit.
Step 3. Select an output format from 500+ presets on the right side.
Step 4. Choose either method:
Step 5. Specify a destination, then hit "Run" to process your video.
Step 6. Once processed, upload the video(s) to Telegram in segments or as a compressed file.
Another viable option is to upload your video to a popular video sharing and streaming platform such as YouTube, Facebook, or Vimeo. These platforms typically have much higher file size limits, making it possible to upload even the largest video files with ease.
Once your video has been uploaded to the streaming platform of your choice, you can simply copy the shareable link and paste it into your Telegram conversation. This method effectively bypasses Telegram's file size limit, as you're not actually sending the video file directly through the app.
For added privacy and security, most video streaming platforms offer the option to set your video to "unlisted". This ensures that only individuals with the specific link can access and view your video, providing an additional layer of control over who can see your content.
If you're already using a cloud storage service like Google Drive, OneDrive, Dropbox, MEGA, or pCloud, you can leverage these platforms to share your large video files with ease. Simply upload your oversized video to your preferred cloud storage service and generate a shareable link once the upload is complete.
After obtaining the shareable link, you can distribute it through Telegram, allowing your recipient to access and download the video from the cloud storage platform. This plan also adds an extra layer of security, as most cloud services offer robust file protection.
For a free and fast alternative, consider using online file-sharing services such as,,, or These platforms are specifically designed for the quick transfer of large files, allowing videos up to 5 GB and beyond to be sent via email or shared through links.
Once the upload is complete, you can simply copy the provided link and share it with your Telegram recipient, enabling them to download the video directly from the file-sharing platform. This approach is an excellent option for individuals who need to share large video files occasionally.
A: The current maximum video file size limit on Telegram is 2 GB per video upload. For Telegram Premium users, this limit is increased to 4 GB.
A: If you attempt to send a video file larger than 2 GB, Telegram will display a "File too Large" error message, preventing you from uploading the video until its size is reduced or another sharing method is used.
A: No, the maximum file size limit, even with a Telegram Premium subscription, is 4 GB.
A: No, the file size limit is consistent across Telegram's mobile and desktop applications. Both platforms adhere to the same 2 GB limit for standard users and 4 GB for Premium subscribers.
Despite the impressive 2 GB file size limit on Telegram, certain videos, especially those in high definition, may still exceed this threshold.
By exploring these viable options above and finding the method that best suits your needs, you can ensure that even the largest and most demanding video files can be shared with your Telegram chats and groups without any hassle.
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