QQ Music
1. QQ Music
QQ music is one of the largest and most popular Chinses music websites, owned by Tencent. It has a massive music library and devotes to offering high-quality and legal copyright content. QQ music will intelligently recommend music playlists based on your browsing history for you to find songs suiting your taste. Of course, music playlists for different festivals, themes, genres, and so on are ready for you. On QQ music, you are also able to listen to and view the latest music, album, and MV timely. QQ music allows you to freely listen to most of the music, yet if you want to download Chinese songs on it, you need to install its App or desktop application and create an account. Some of the songs are paid.
Kugou Music
2. Kugou
Also owned by Tencent Music, Kugou claims to be the largest music streaming service in the world. Although Kugou is a Chinese music based music streaming and download website, you can also find songs all around the world on it. This website promises faster and more effective music download when compared with its counterparts. With its user-friendly interface and well-organized categories, you can find a variety of Chinese songs based on Playlists, Singers, Hot list, and Genres. Kugou also requires you to install its desktop software or App for Chinese song download.
3. XIAMI Music (Shutdown)
Update: Xiami Music has been down since February 2021. There's another site to go: https://music.migu.cn/v3
XIAMI Music is a good music streaming and download platform that has over 4 million music resource. Meanwhile, it devotes to supporting original music. Many excellent independent artists with their excellent records can be found here. XIAMAI classifies music in a detailed way, basing on playlists, music rankings, artists, genres, album, as well as MV. Like other Chinese songs websites, installing XIAMI client and creating an account is pre-requisite for Chinese song download.
Kuwo Music
4. Kuwo Music
Kuwo music owns massive song resources, about 20 million songs, and has exclusive agent copyright of many programs and TVs. For you who are fond of Chinese TV series and programs, Kuwo is a wonderful place to enjoy original soundtrack. Besides, Kuwo has built up a huge lossless music library. When you listen to a lossless song, it will intelligently enhance the sound quality and offers advanced sound effects, which creates a fully immersed experience. Of course, the resources of the website are carefully divided into different categories so that users can easily find music they interest. Plus, you still need to install its App for Chinese songs download.
NetEase Music
5. NetEase Music
NetEase Music is a very popular freemium music streaming service in China. This platform consists of 10 million songs and one of its highlights is humanly recommending music and FM according to user’s music preference. NetEase assembles music playlist, social contact, music recommendation as well as other functions, having built a social music platform. Users can not only find excellent music here, but also leave comments, and interact with others. NetEase is intensely popular these years and updates constantly to roll out more new features and add more resources. NetEase only enables users to download Chinese music in its App and desktop software.